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Cryptocurrency Bitesize – Altcoins

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An ‘Altcoin’ is an ‘implied’ cryptocurrency coin, meaning it often shares Bitcoins characteristics, hence the name ‘Alt Coin’. Currently its claimed there are over 1500 of these ‘Alt Coins’ available to invest in.

Notable Alt coins:

  • Litecoin – Seen as an alternative Silver to Bitcoin’s gold and thoroughly decentralised! Uses a ‘Proof of work’ scheme to validate blocks.

  • Etherum – Steered by major players such as the eponymous Microsoft, Accenture. Since the recent smart contract exploitation resulting in Etherum being split into two seperate networks there has been much debate if Etherum can still be classed as an ‘Altcoin’. A recent study citing correlation to Bitcoin, placed Etherum ‘into the playing field’, as the ‘most decentralised blockchain platform in existence’ and more importantly ‘publicly recognised as an asset’.

Most Altcoins are peer to peer, some even follow the Bitcoin mining process where miners solve difficult mathematical problems (proof of work) to unlock blocks, and are based on Bitcoin. Some just don’t do much, or are very basic.

What makes Altcoins interesting is the risk to owning, and volatility. Many ‘Altcoins’ can offer more privacy/ anonymity with obfuscated transactions such as ‘Monero’. Some Altcoins mined blocks are solved faster than Bitcoins, yet require far more proof of authority.

Altcoins may use differing proof of work algorithm’s, or could be designed to support technical uses as a way to build more applications on top of existing Cryptocurrency structures, such as the Cryptocurrency ‘EOS’.

Importantly some ‘Altcoins’, and you should watch out for, these don’t do very much.

Why use Altcoins?

  • Online payments in other currency’s
  • Trading
  • Privacy in ledger transactions
  • Decentralisation
  • Building payment based applications

Here at ixdlab_ we can help you to understand and formulate opinions on using electronic cashless payment technologies such as Bitcoin, Ripple, XRM in your business. Look out for more on #Cryptocurrencies later on.

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Cryptocurrency, Bitesize – Stablecoins

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Stablecoins are ‘coin’ based token’s that retain, or are close to a value. A stablecoins value may go slightly up, or under the $1 dollar remit or equivalent value and is not prone to risky volatility, hence the term Stablecoin. The Stable coin may track the dollar, but negative, or positive increase / decrease with certain Stablecoin’s is likely to be discounted on buying, or selling other Cryptocurrency (please check with the provider).

So what are Bitcoin and Ethereum if they are not Stablecoins?

Neither Bitcoin, or Etherum, are Stablecoins. The idea of a Stablecoin is to create ‘Actual monetary value’ for people who want stability, audit trails, and reliability, So the coin, or token is ‘as’ feasibly close,or equivalent to $1 dollar, or similar. Bitcoin is prone to volatility and the value is not limited.

Stablecoins are a useful resource for secure money transfer between countries. Stablecoins can be Fiat backed from a regulated third party. Some are Commodity, or Cryptocurrency based.

You still need a digital wallet, and may need to use bitcoin or other Cryptocurrencies, to transfer an amount to your chosen Stablecoin.

Couple of Stablecoins worth mentioning:

DAI – Aim to get as close to the $1 dollar trading mark as possible and currently have a Market Cap of 77.08M

PAX – Backed 1:1 for the dollar and regulated by the US NY State Department as an ‘alternative’ to the US dollar with a current Market Cap of $ 185.03M

Gemini Dollar (GUSD) – Regulated creditworthiness built on Etherum Blockchain technology. Market Cap $6,906,576M

Useful for:

  • Times when you want to make a quick money transfer
  • Temporary placement of funds in a stable Cryptocurrency with minimised volatility at a specific value.

All Cryptocurrency have risks. Seek financial advice if you are not sure what to invest in.

Here at ixdlab_ we can help you to understand and formulate opinions on using electronic cashless payment technologies such as Bitcoin, Ripple, XRM in your business. Look out for more on #Cryptocurrencies later on.

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Cryptocurrency, Bitesize.

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So what the hell is bitcoin then?

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that was launched officially in January 2009. Bitcoin relies on a distributed database / peer 2 peer networking structure that’s decentralised, offering ways to secure, or encrypt each created or managed transaction with no central authority. A sort of ‘posh’, accountancy distributed ledger of transactions known as ‘Blockchain’.

Transactions are stored in a ‘block’, each block contains at least a thousand transactions as digital information. This is stored in a database, ‘chain’ in many places (p2p distributed), and is not regulated by an administrator, bank, person, or government (no trusted third party). Every transaction is unique to the Bitcoin holder and cannot be reproduced. This makes Bitcoins difficult to hack, but not impossible.

Who created Bitcoin?

Satoshi Nakamoto is said to of been a brilliant programmer, who cut his technology credentials at Netscape.

In the early 2000s Satoshi experimented with a way to create a reliable digital currency for a university project, and boom yes Bitcoin was born. Originally Bitcoin was referred to as Satoshi’s. ✌(‘ω’)

Why is Cryptocurrency essential?

The state of economies in certain countries makes banking a hazardous business.

This could be due to a number of factors: Economic Uncertainty, Volatility, Financial collapse, and Hyperinflation. Cryptocurrency for many of the worlds citizens is a welcome safer accessible alternative,although not without risks due to the currencies volatility due to price fluctuations.

Cryptocurrency holders greatly benefit from needing ‘no upgrade’, with each technological shift. The need for third party verification of transactions is eliminated, reducing transaction costs.

The enigma of Bitcoin’s disappearing founder Satoshi

Satoshi’s Bitcoin account is said to exist to test the early technology of the currency, and is currently untouched. The first ‘Official’ 50 bitcoins issued by Satoshi were sent on 3rd January 2009 from what is referred to as the ‘Genesis Block’. Satoshi Nakamoto last posted to Bitcoin forum’s around 2013. Then, without any word Satoshi just simply disappeared.

No one knows what happened to Satoshi, or who Satoshi really is! Wherever Satoshi may be we hope he’s found happiness. ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

Some of the issues:

  • Cryptocurrencies volatile risky nature with high gains of course to be made!
  • Reliance on understanding the complex buy / sell processes to obtain these currencies through multiple vendors.
  • Reliance on often complex technology software, and hardware.
  • Variety ranging from Cryptocurrency’s such as Bitcoin cash, Altcoins, to complex ‘Smart Contracts’, and ‘Fiat’ are daunting to the uninitiated.
  • Decentralisation is a wonderful concept but if you have no access to your Cryptocurrency, its difficult to get the Crypto back by proving your the owner even with ID!

Here at ixdlab_ we can help you to understand and formulate opinions on using electronic cashless payment technologies such as Bitcoin, Ripple, XRM in your business. Look out for more on #Cryptocurrencies later on.

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We are verified content creators with Brave Rewards using the Brave Browser. Brave Rewards allows you to choose, browse and reward content creators like ixdlab using BAT or other Cryptocurrency’s. If you find our content useful and like what you read please donate via downloading the Brave browser. The Brave Browser allows you to earn free BAT. We are currently trialling this type of crowdfunding for our Cryptocurrency research projects.