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We help you understand your customers.

Finding how customers experience your digital brand is important. Through Online web based service’s, eCommerce, Robotics, or Online payment systems, if the customer can’t use these services, find it difficult, or can’t get what they want, they may go elsewhere.

ixdlab_ measures, redefines, and improves designs for digital products, services, and hardware. So the customer, or User as we prefer to call them, can get straight to the point. The result? Far happier customers.

Our UX Services:

IXDLAB UX process to create great UX experiences.

UX Research

From traditional User research to Gorilla UX. ixdlab_ use a range of techniques from surveys, diary studies, and focus groups to find what your customers want, and what they actually need

Usability Research helps ensure your customer can get what they need using your digital products and services. This helps increase potential conversions through good design by improving usability and leading to less handholding from your staff!

UX Design

We wireframe, and prototype for brand new, existing software, or  hardware based digital products and services. Specialising in multi-channel digital projects.

Ixdlab_ design in a real world understanding of the what’s, where’s, and why for’s of your customer needs, shaping your design process.

UX Evaluate

In the wild any type of product, and service needs to be measured for effectiveness. UX Evaluate can be applied to digital products and services that have just been launched.

UX Evaluate is useful for creating new operating system’s to interface with that all important mobile phone application, or evaluate a website service in the first few months of its launch. UX Evaluate helps to further understand, improve, and prove efficiencies in your design. Contributing to that all important return on investment.

UX Cultural

Culture gives key questions to those developing new online products, services, multi-channel, or hardware products for foreign markets, or markets not within your digital locality.

Our UX Cultural service provides a deeper understanding of how cultural aspects impact on  design for digital products, and services, or existing designs, and prototypes. This is useful for understanding how your digital products, and services are understood, used, and percieved in Europe, Asia, or the US Marketplace.

Our Interaction design Service:

Offers the full approach to many different types of digital software, services, and hardware based interfaces. The service provides a unique understanding of customer behaviour’s, during use of  digital products, and services within a solutions context.

Interaction design is useful for voice activated systems (IVR), wearables, robots, simple, and complex interface interactions.

We can also help you design, wireframe, and prototype digital  software, services, or hardware products!

Oh yes one last thing:

We also work in either technique in any methodology,  agile, scrum, kanban, star…… or UCD …. spot the odd one out?