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Profit better by the UX AI design

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Article Reading Time: 2 minutes

Artificial Intelligence, AI Driven UX helps to design useful digital products or services.

Improve Machine learning, NLP, Computer vision, or AI through UX design. With potential to better personalisation of data, efficiency and monetisation. Help user’s get their needs from AI and meet your business goals by adding added value through UX design. Here we explore basic principles and strategy’s for helping you monetise.


Get to know and understand the users

User Research helps to identify users needs, preferences and pain points. Build a delightful experience for the user of your digital AI product or service.


Building trust in use of a product or service is paramount. Provide users with control over their data and ability to customise any interactions.


Improve your conversion rate and deliver targeted content or features for a personalised experience.

Improving on our previous product:

Provide a way to regularly feedback to enhance your product or service lifecycle. Update or enhance your product with new features or content.


Ramp up those Product Offerings:

Build features or premium offerings the users will want to pay for such as:

  • Advanced analytics
  • Personalised AI coaching, Chatbot help using Conversationalist AI
  • Exclusive content
  • One off collaborations with other brands.

Consider a Subscription based Model

  • Allow users to choose levels of AI integration suiting their goals. Use a Subscription-based pricing for AI-driven features.
  • Offer free trials of your product to your user base.
  • Use Tiered Models a User can choose with a range of packages.
  • Use freemium models with a basic version or reduced feature set of your product or service. This helps to attract users and prove the value of premium content or features.

Data-Driven Insights

  • Use AI for analysis of user behaviour and preference.
  • Marketing strategies
  • Product development
  • Provide insightful improvements to existing customer service strategies.
  • Use aggregated data gathered by AI for market research and strategic planning.
  • Use predictive analytics

Advertising, to suit your audience:

  • Deliver targeted advertising with AI in your digital product or service.
  • Ads should be non-intrusive, and enhancing.
  • Partner with brands for sponsored content that is of the user interests.

Ai’s efficiency and Cost savings though UX:

  • AI improves operational efficiency through automation of repetitive tasks.
  • Competitive pricing can help the users to save on cost. Reinvest saved costs to enhance UX further.
  • AI-driven efficiency will help to provide a user with better cost realisation. Navigate potential hazards of data analysis on a large-scale. Improving ROI something to shout about in your marketing.

UX basics

The UX business canvas

What no one tells you about User research

UX Design definition:

UX is for creating products and services providing meaningful and relevant experiences. 

Men working on computers across a desk with cereal in a bowl and a Chinese cast iron teapot with coffees. One holds a mobile phone.
What is User Experience Design (UX)?

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Article Reading Time: 2 minutes

User Experience Design (UX) enhances interaction between a user and a digital product or service as part of the experience of a brand or organisation.

What User experience designers use to create UX Design (UX)


  • The product or service UX enables users to achieve goals when using a product or service or to complete a task.


  • Ensuring users accomplish goals with minimal effort. This helps reduce the number of steps to complete a goal or task.


  • Is the product or service easy to learn? Is it possible for the user to get through a basic task? How fast can the user understand the controls needed to work with the interface (UI).


  • How well users recall how to interact with a product or service after some time. 


  • Design products or services accessible to everyone meeting Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). 

Interaction Design

  • Designing for the user’s behaviour when interacting with a product or service.

Information Architecture

  • Organisational structures that are clear and concise to help users efficiently find information and complete tasks.

User Research:

  • Involves understanding user behaviours, needs, and motivations through techniques like observation, and task analysis and methods including interviews, surveys, usability testing, and analytics. However a combination of techniques maybe used to reach a conclusion.

Aesthetic Design

  • Enhancing the aesthetics of design with suitable images, typography, space, layout, and color. This supports the overall user experience and brand identity for both UI/UX.

Prototyping and Wireframing

  • Low-fidelity (wireframes) and high-fidelity (prototypes) of a product or service to test ideas.
  • Allows for early testing and validation of design concepts.

Goals of UX Design

User Satisfaction

  • Is the product enjoyable and satisfying to use?


  • Users may achieve objectives quickly and easily.


  • Does the service or product do what it is intended to do?


  • Creating a compelling experience that encourages users to continue using the product.

UX Design Process


  • Understand user needs and problems.


  • Interpreting data collected during research to identify key insights and areas for improvement.


  • Design solutions based on research findings then Sketch, wireframe, prototype. Working with developers and product owners to bring a design to life.


  • Usability test to identify issues and areas for improvement.
  • Iterate tests through regular feedback processes.


Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, InVision, Axure, UserTesting, Google Analytics, Miro, Trello

UX basics

Our top ten UX skills

The top 7 User experience mistakes

A quick guide to what the user experience designer does

UX Design definition: UX is for creating products and services providing meaningful and relevant experiences. 

Shows wireframe of mobile design, Pens, Stencil and Protractor
Our Top 7 UX skills

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Article Reading Time: < 1 minute

Projects we love them and we often get asked what are our top UX skills that we use regularly. So here are our top 7:

User Research:
Understanding user behaviour to gather valuable insights to inform on the design process.

Prototyping and Wireframing: Essential for communicating design ideas, helping to facilitate collaboration and testing.

Accessibility Design: Create Accessible digital products incorporating accessibility guidelines and practices. Design inclusive for all users.

Information Architecture: Navigation and content flow enhance user understanding and engagement.

Visual Design: Aesthetics visual design, color, typography, and layout to create interfaces that align with brand identity.

Usability Testing: Plan and conduct usability tests to make the right design decisions.

Analytics: User data is key. Use good analytics tools and there is no looking back.

For more about UX, or a no obligation consultation, please get in touch with us today on 07858110704, or email info@ixdlab.co.uk.